Hi guys. It's me...Linda. It's been a long six months but life is slowly returning to normal. It's not the normal my family once had, but it's good. With that said, I want to take this moment to thank you all for your support. I can't help but believe that your prayers helped in my husbands recovery. He is now cancer free and I pray he stays that way.
Now for some more good news:
Fish Eyes is on sale for $0.99 on Amazon. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how that happened, but it did. So enjoy the savings until I can solve the mystery. Who knows, maybe I'll just keep it that price.
Also, thoughts of Held in Secrecy has been popping up in my mind again. In fact, I've been getting reacquainted with the storyline these past two weeks. That's a major step for me seeing how I've been feeling dim-witted ever since the diagnosis. But the fog is starting to clear now and I plan to be back on track soon. Sorry, I'm not able to commit to a date yet.
I guess that's it for now my friends. Bye...